XYZ2DEM Importer - Tutorials, Examples, Applications
The ImageJ plugin XYZ2DEM Importer imports X,Y,Z coordinates of (usually irregularly distributed) points from the first 3 columns of a plain text file and interpolates a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) image using a Delaunay triangulation. Author: Martin Schlüter (ij, i3mainz
Contributor: Barry Joe, author of Geompack History: 2023/03/31: Public user success stories linked
2012/07/01: Optionally create a Tiff World File '.tfw'
2012/07/01: Rename result to file extension '.tif'
2009/04/23: Fix (removes java generics compiler warnings)
2005/02/22: First versionOpen Source: Download XYZ2DEM Importer from National Institutes of Health.
Download XYZ2DEM Importer from local mirror.
Short Tutorials: How to Set Appropriate Input Parameters: Let XYZ2DEM Importer comply with the requirements of your application by manually selecting appropriate input parameters. This page offers a very small data set and discusses the results of typical parameter settings. See how your parameter settings influence the resulting Digital Elevation Image. Notes on Input Text File Formats: XYZ2DEM Importer accepts several delimiters and notations of comments. An example shows common possibilities. Notes on Geocoding: XYZ2DEM Importer optionally keeps the geocoding of your raster image in a world file. Learn how to pass your ImageJ results to Geographic Information Systems!
Educational Tutorials Including Large Data Sets: Import a Digital Elevation Model image of Nantucket Island. This example demonstrates the typical use of XYZ2DEM Importer using a real world data set. Using a proper chosen Maximum edge length parameter, we additionally obtain an approximate coastline. Import a Digital Elevation Model image of Nantucket Island and apply a coastline polygon. Here we explain how to proceed if an a priori known outline polygon of the input data is given. This example is intended for comparison with the results from the strategy above.
Background Reading: A scientific survey on Triangle-Based Surface Models by Leila De Floriani, Paola Magillo, Silvia Bussi and Elsag Bailey, Intelligent Systems and Robotics, 2000. Get a local copy of the pdf document here.
Public User Success Stories: The ImageJ plugin XYZ2DEM Importer seems to be increasingly cited in the context of Open Data. Please bring to our attention any other Open Access publications that use this tool:
K. McGrath, L.S. Limmer, A.L. Lockey et al.: 3D enamel profilometry reveals faster growth but similar stress severity in Neanderthal versus Homo sapiens teeth. Nature Scientific Reports 11, 522,, 2021.
P. Gueriau, S. Réguer, N. Leclercq, C. Cupello, P.M. Brito, C. Jauvion, S. Morel, S. Charbonnier, D. Thiaudière, C. Mocuta: Visualizing mineralization processes and fossil anatomy using synchronous synchrotron X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction mapping. Journal of the Royal Society Interface.17: 20200216. Dryad, Dataset,, 2020.
K. McGrath: From the Inside Out: Understanding Stress-Related Enamel Defects in Great Ape Canines. Electronic Thesis/Dissertation, 2018.
D. Tsvirkun, A. Grichine, A. Duperray, C. Misbah, L. Bureau: Microvasculature on a chip: study of the Endothelial Surface Layer and the flow structure of Red Blood Cells. Nature Scientific Reports 7, 45036,, 2017.
E. Paixão, J. Marreiros, J.Gibaja, T. Pereira, N. Bicho: 3D modeling to help the understand of Ground Stones wear-traces: Experimental program in Quartzite and Greywacke. Poster, Leibniz-Zentrum für Archäologie (LEIZA), Mainz, 2017.
A. Pope, I.C. Willis, W.G. Rees, N.S. Arnold, F. Pálsson: Combining airborne lidar and Landsat ETM+ data with photoclinometry to produce a digital elevation model for Langjökull, Iceland. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34:4, 1005-1025,, 2012.
M. Schlüter, L. Pfeiffer, K. Berner, C. Weides: Deformation Analysis of Sandwich Surfaces Prior to Buckling Failure Employing a 3-d Scanning System and Open Source Image Processing Software. Photogrammetrie - Fernerkundung - Geoinformation (PFG) vol. 6, 2006.
M. Linscheid, M. Schlüter: Vom 3D-Objekt zur 3D-Kopie - Mobiles Aufmaß einer Bronzeplastik unter Einsatz eines handgeführten 3D-Scanners am 3D-Gelenkmessarm. F. Boochs und H. Müller (Hg.): Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der Informations- und Messtechnik, Festschrift zur Verabschiedung von Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Böhler, Schriftenreihe Informations und Messtechnik, Bd. 6, 59-66, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2005.
K. Berner, L. Pfeiffer, M. Schlüter, C. Weides: Mit 3D-Scanning zur Erfassung des Knitterversagens von Sandwichpaneelen. Ingenieurvermessung 2004, Zürich, 15.-19. März 2004.